People's March website RE ENABLED
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Dear friends,
People's March website RE ENABLED
Please go through the mails sent and the reply from and other messages
P.Govindan kutty
Editor, People's March
Original Message Follows:
Subject: http://peoplesmarch.googlepages
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 23:19:18 -0800
Can you please inform us why this page has been disabled? This was the
website of a popular magazine in India, and I don't see it violating
any of Google's contractual obligations.
BugType: page_disabled
Language: en
Name: Anoop Saha
OS: Linux
URL: http://peoplesmarch.googlepages
browser: Firefox2
Reply from
--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Google Help <>
Date: Dec 15, 2007 6:48 AM
Subject: Re: [#223814269] http://peoplesmarch.googlepages
Thank you for your email. We have re-enabled your Google Page Creator
site. Your site was disabled for being reported by our users as spam.
Please take a moment to look over our Terms of Service to ensure that your
page isn't disabled anytime in the near future. You may find our Terms of
Service at the following link:
The Google Team
Find answers, ask questions, and share your expertise with others in the
Google Page Creator Help Group at
My reply to Anup
Dear Anup,
It is a site for uploading my data and not for sending messages which can be termed as spam. Then how can my site be reported users as spam.
Your site was disabled for being reported by our users as spam.
Anup's reply
| show details 5:14 PM (3 hours ago) |
Please check with google.
Message from J Scott
| show details 6:02 AM (14 hours ago) |
Labels: People's March
posted by People's March @ 7:01 AM,
- At December 22, 2007 at 9:49 PM, Frank Partisan said...
I don't see any spam here except for Adam.
You can get rid of spam, go to your blogger control panel, and turn on number verification.
Good luck in struggle. - At December 6, 2011 at 1:15 AM, Saad Amir said...
Thus we have seen from this article that if government provide all facilities to the peoples.Then peoples have no interest to take step against the government.
regards, saad from
Jamia Millia Islamia - At December 6, 2011 at 1:35 AM, Saad Amir said...
Yours article has been very nice and informative for the peoples.Education has necessary for the peoples and develop awareness in the peoples.
regards, saad from
Sri Lanka Institute of Architects - At December 6, 2011 at 1:41 AM, Saad Amir said...
Peoples get idea about the articles and laws used by the government.Because of the proper education the men can get every thing to done.
regards, saad from
Federal Urdu University